Antibody-phage display is a powerful method for generating antibodies or antibody fragments to a target in vitro. Libraries comprising millions of different antibody binding sites in the form of scFv or Fab expressed on bacteriophage coat protein are exposed to a target antigen, and over multiple rounds of selection, antigen-specific antibodies are identified. An antibody fragment rather than a full IgG may often be desired and phage display is an ideal method for generating such a reagent. It also enables monoclonal antibodies to be generated from a wide variety of different species. Antibody selection in vitro also allows for the manipulation of target or binding conditions that would not normally be possible in vivo. Scotia Biologics has many years of experience in library building and screening and offers a range of possibilities for our customers:

Immunised libraries from:
Golden Hamster
Protein or peptide* provided by customer
Peptide designed by us
Scotia produced protein
Small molecule conjugated to a carrier protein
Cells expressing target antigen on surface
Other antigen
*​peptides will need to be conjugated to a carrier protein. Scotia can advise on this, or perform conjugation of appropriate peptides
Types of Library:
Typically a phage screen will result in a number of monoclonal antibody fragments specific to the target molecule which can be fully characterised in whichever way is most suitable for each individual project.
Antibodies generated by Scotia Biologics can be expressed and purified at various scales and can be re-formatted or modified to meet customers’ needs.
High yield
Scalable production
Less expensive
Often high affinity
High specificity
Selection process restricted
Selection from limited pool of clones
Limited opportunity to repeat selection
Lengthy generation time
Toxic antigens not possible
Epitope targeting not practical
May require humanisation
Sequence information not automatically available
Scalable production
Rapid generation (naïve libraries only)
Large pool of clones to select from
Repeat selection possible
Greater control over selection process
Greater diversity of positives achievable (immune libraries)
High affinity (immune libraries)
High specificity (immune libraries)
Can target specific epitopes
Sequence information generated
Amenable to post-selection development or modification
Production yield variable
More expensive
May have lower affinity (naïve libraries)
May require humanisation (immune/animal libraries)
Typically a phage screen will result in a number of monoclonal antibody fragments specific to the target molecule which can be fully characterised in whichever way is most suitable to a particular project.
Antibodies generated by Scotia Biologics Ltd. can be expressed and purified to whatever scale desired by the customer or can be re-formatted or modified to meet customer’s needs.